Prior to vaccination, she was a normal healthy, athletic, 13-year-old. After vaccination, she experienced all of the known adverse reactions listed by the manufacturer.
SIR – Jonathan Irwin, the co-founder of the Jack and Jill foundation has done the public a great service by sharing the tragic story of his daughter's Molly's injuries with the world. In his YouTube clip, entitled ‘The Health Service Let This Happen,’ Jonathan tells how the Gardasil vaccine destroyed the life and health of his daughter Molly, leaving her bedridden.
Prior to vaccination, she was a normal healthy, athletic, 13-year-old. After vaccination, she experienced all of the known adverse reactions listed by the manufacturer, Merck.
Jonathan, like most parents, believed the propaganda being rolled out by the Government, the HSE and the media. He found out when it was too late that information regarding the side effects of the vaccine was not given to parents.
Jonathan, along with hundreds of parents around Ireland, are fully aware that their daughters’ injuries were caused by the Gardasil vaccine. Yet, the HSE, the Government and others claim that such injuries-illness would have happened anyway.
They are washing their hands of all responsibility, leaving distraught parents to pick up the pieces. Those who dare to speak out against Gardasil, especially parents of injured children, have been vilified by the HSE and others in an attempt to silence any opposition and to prevent the truth getting out about the dangers of the vaccine.
Now that the Gardasil propaganda machine is in full swing and the vaccination consent forms are coming home in the school bags, parents need to do their own homework regarding vaccination. Sadly, Mr Irwin’s informative video will never undo the harm done to his daughter, but his brave effort will serve to warn others about some of the risks associated with Gardasil – a dangerous, unnecessary vaccine, in my opinion.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Theresa Heaney,