SIR – I am afraid that Dan Teegan has everything all upside down. Jesus, as Emanuel Yeshaiahu is commonly known, was Jewish, was ritually cleansed by John in the river Jordan
SIR – I am afraid that Dan Teegan has everything all upside down. Jesus, as Emanuel Yeshaiahu is commonly known, was Jewish, was ritually cleansed by John in the river Jordan as all religious males Jews do every day in ritual baths, the sea or flowing clean rivers.
He was convicted of treason by the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate, a very sick and inhumane person, and killed along with 800+ other Jews that day.
There was no such thing as Christianity in those days. Christianity came much later.
There were only Jews living in Israel then before the total Roman destruction of Jerusalem, the capital.
Quoting the synod is a laugh too.
Arabs are descendants of Arabia. Thus the name. No connection with Judaism.
True, Arabs do want to murder all who are not Muslim or are unwilling to convert. Can Mr Teegan please tell us when there ever was peace with Arabs and between Muslims? Since Muhammad had a wee chat with the angel Gabriel, there has been no end to massacres of other peoples by the Muslims and especially those of Arab descent.
Christianity is the new Jewish faith he alludes.
The Jewish faith does not set up concentration camps to murder other people, the Jewish faith does not condone murder of other faiths because of their beliefs. Jewish people in the main are well educated and the main goal of every Jewish parent is to make sure that their children have a profession or a good trade.
They are told not to gamble, not to drink their hard-earned money, they are taught to save and invest. Show me another religion that has these basics as part of their religion. And so he maintains that God changed his mind, that God cannot see into the future, that God does not know what happened, what will happen and why.
God led the Jewish people out of Egypt to occupy the land of Caanan, which is now Israel There never was a state called Palestine and I doubt that there ever will be.
If those people that he backs had any sense, they would put their efforts into making peace, education, and a future for their children but no, burn tyres, throw rocks, sling shots and Molotov cocktails, pipe bombs and hate is the only education that they know.
Besides oil, can he mention one item that mankind uses on a daily basis for the betterment of society that any Arab country produces?
I hope Mr Teegan does not fly on airplanes as they all have Israeli made blades in every engine.
Yours again,
Maerton Davis,