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Judge set to fine tractor driver seen ‘toddling along’

April 25th, 2024 10:00 PM

Judge set to fine tractor driver seen ‘toddling along’ Image

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A TRACTOR driver who failed to pull in on a country road to allow other motorists to pass has been told he will be fined next month.

Prosecuting, Sgt Trish O’Sullivan told Macroom District Court that Michael O’Regan, (65), of Currabeg, Ovens, was driving his red Fiat tractor along a narrow country road near Kilmurry on July 17th, 2023.

The road was not wide enough for vehicles to pass him safely and Mr O’Regan was driving at a very slow pace and a queue of traffic began to build up behind him.

In one of the cars behind him was a garda who observed that Mr O’Regan had at least seven opportunities to pull in and allow traffic to pass, but did not do so.

The court was told that Mr O’Regan drove on for at least 4km without pulling in and he was eventually stopped for driving without due care and attention.

He was issued with a fixed charge penalty notice for €80 which he failed to pay.

The court heard that he had 12 previous convictions, all road traffic-related, including driving without insurance and driving without a licence.

Defence solicitor Jack Purcell said that Mr O’Regan was a small scale agricultural contractor who was ‘just disorganised and not good with paperwork’.

Judge James McNulty said: ‘He’s more than disorganised, he’s inconsiderate to other road users.

‘They were all delayed while he toddles along on his way, not pulling in for anybody. That’s bold behaviour.’

The judge said that the penalty had to be meaningful and he said that he intended to fine Mr O’Regan €600.

He adjourned the case until May 1st to give Mr O’Regan a chance to gather the funds and pay his legal bills.

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