
GREENER LIVING: Get kids recycling

November 10th, 2022 8:00 AM

By Southern Star Team

Photo: Shutterstock

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This full article originally appeared in our special GREENER LIVING supplement which is free in this week's Southern Star. Get your copy in shops across West Cork or online via the Southern Star digital edition ➡️



AS the climate crisis continues to ignite we are all looking for ways to make a difference. The younger generation is the key to making the future better. Giving them the knowledge and tools to be more sustainable day to day is the greatest gift we can give and it can be a bit of fun too.

Lead by example

We all know that kids are like sponges, absorbing every little detail around them, watching us like a hawk. Whether we like
it or not our habits can become their habits too, so this is where leading by example is of the upmost importance.

Show them that you are also committed to recycling. That slip of an egg carton going into the general waste won’t go unnoticed. Doing what you preach will prevent you hearing the words; “Well you don’t do it so why should I!”

Let the outdoors in

The harsh reality of the effect of our waste on the environment can be a difficult one to take for adults, let alone kids. While we don’t want to terrify them, as parents there is a responsibility to teach them. Start slowly by showing instead of just telling.

Get them out into nature and the outdoors. Give them the opportunity to fall in love with nature and to appreciate the miracles around us, from bird life to insects to the trees in the forest.


This full article originally appeared in our special GREENER LIVING supplement which is free in this week's Southern Star. Get your copy in shops across West Cork or online via the Southern Star digital edition ➡️


If they appreciate the world around them they will in turn want to protect it. You can then slowly explain what effects simple things like wasting paper or using too many plastics can have on the environment and give them the knowledge of how they can change their ways for the greater good.


Composting is the perfect side-gig to getting the kids enjoying nature again. If gardening is your forte or you’re just getting started, a compost bin is
a must.

This is a great way to teach kids in a hands-on manner, how nature can recycle itself to produce something beautiful. Who knew our food scraps could be trans- formed into a stunning, fruitful garden?

You can make it even more fun by adding a few critters to the mix. Worm farms are becoming more popular and are a fun way to get the kids involved. The worms eat and digest our food scraps, in turn producing the perfect poop that is super rich in nutrients making it an excellent fertilizer for a budding garden.


This full article originally appeared in our special GREENER LIVING supplement which is free in this week's Southern Star. Get your copy in shops across West Cork or online via the Southern Star digital edition ➡️

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