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Fr Galvin is a lot less trouble than Gaga, admits quizmaster Graham

May 27th, 2019 3:10 PM

By Brian Moore

Fr Galvin is a lot less trouble than Gaga, admits quizmaster Graham Image
Fr Gerard Galvin (left) and Lady Gaga

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Ahakista's parish priest Fr Gerard Galvin is ‘a lot less trouble that Lady Gaga' and that's from someone who should know – Graham Norton!

AHAKISTA’s parish priest Fr Gerard Galvin is ‘a lot less trouble that Lady Gaga’ and that’s from someone who should know – Graham Norton!

The BBC presenter made the comments this week when he was ‘quizzed’ about the change of venue for one of the most eagerly awaited events of the summer –  the Ahakista Festival Pub Quiz, hosted by the Bandon tv presenter.

This year, it’s the turn of the ever popular Tin Pub to host the quiz with the ‘golden’ tickets going on sale on June 1st and set to be in as much demand as ever.

‘The original idea was to alternate between the two pubs but we needed a few years to get used to running such a big event,’ Breda O’Brien of the Ahakista Festival committee told The Southern Star.

With a history stretching back almost 100 years, when a rowing regatta first began in Ahakista, the festival today is a far cry from what the original residents of the village had in mind for their annual celebration.

‘The festival was revived back in the 90s to include music, dancing, talent competitions and other events,’ committee member Tadgh Hegarty said.

‘Over the years local businesses and residents got together to ensure the festival not only continued but grew as well. The festival is an example of the incredible community spirit and the determination that we have here to make the best of our home and to provide funds for the development of our community.’

While there were pre-Celtic Tiger plans for a shoreline facility that would have been the envy of many a local community, the residents decided to refine their plans and so all the funds raised from the festivals go to support local community organisations and charities.

‘We have our community centre, which is known as the ‘Cabin’ and it’s here that our Muintir Bhaire Sea Scouts and Muintir Bhaire Foroige club have their base. We also provide funds for the pontoon at the pier, as well as many local charities, so the festival is a vital source of income for the community,’ Breda said.

This year funds raised at the Ahakista festival weekend will also go to Rehab Care in Bantry.

‘Over the 10 days of the festival we’ll have a jam-packed programme of talent shows, fishing competitions, music, dance, cards to new just a few. Of course we will all have our famous pub quiz and we are all looking forward to a great night again this year,’ Tadgh said.

And Ahakista’s famous resident Graham Norton told The Southern Star that he was looking forward once again to a great night of fun with his neighbours and everyone visiting Ahakista for the festival.

‘It’s a chance for the whole community to get together, have a laugh, find out how little we know, but most importantly, raise money for deserving causes,’ Graham said.

When asked how hosting the Ahakista quiz compared with dealing with A-list celebrities on his TV show, Graham said: ‘It’s one of my favourite nights of the year. I really look forward to it.’

He also joked that the local parish priest, and Ahakista quiz regular Fr Gerard Galvin, is ‘a lot easier to handle than Lady Gaga!’ 

There are just 120 golden tickets for the quiz, which go on sale on Saturday June 1st at 9am at the community cabin in Ahakista. 

The quiz itself takes place on Friday night August 2nd. 

On Saturday August 3rd there will be a guided walk along the stunning Sheep’s Head Way, some road bowling, a Tug of War, as well as music in both Arundels bar and the Tin Pub. 

It’s family funday on Sunday August 4th with kayaking, the famous raft race, a bouncy castle and to round things off, music at night in both Arundels and the Tin Pub once more.

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