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Drunk man was driving erratically

April 28th, 2024 8:00 AM

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A DISTRICT court judge told a Clonakilty man caught drink driving that that there are judges out there who would send someone to prison if they had the same high level of intoxication as him.

Judge James McNulty made the comment while dealing with the case of  Brian Daly (43) of Shannonvale, Clonakilty who pleaded guilty to drink driving at Clonakilty District Court.

A charge of careless driving was withdrawn by the prosecution.

Sgt Tom Mulcahy told the court that at 2.35pm on June 22nd last Gda Donal McCormack observed the defendant driving erratically through the town centre.

‘He pulled over the car, spoke to the defendant and saw that he was highly drunk. He arrested him and he was conveyed to Bandon Garda Station,’ said Sgt Mulcahy.

The court heard that a urine sample taken by a designated doctor at the station  gave a reading of 346mg of alcohol per 100ml of urine, a reading which was described by Judge James McNulty as ‘very high’.

Defence solicitor Conrad Murphy said his client is a married dad of two and has no previous convictions.

He said he has known him for many years and he is well respected and has done a huge amount of voluntary work.

‘His dad died in February 2022 and he had alcohol problems after that, as well as depression. He goes to AA and his marriage has suffered as a result of his drinking,’ said Mr Murphy.

Mr Murphy added that his client realises that the level of alcohol detected on that date was very high and that he put his own life and the life of others in danger.

Judge McNulty said it is all a matter of ‘social responsibility’.

‘There are judges that would send someone to prison with that high level of intoxication.

‘Fortunately, Gda McCormack observed him,’ said the judge.

He disqualified him from driving for three years and granted a postponement of the driving ban until September 1st next.

Mr Daly was also convicted and fined €500 and given 90 days to pay the fine.

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