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Bantry bids to become dementia-friendly town

March 9th, 2023 5:14 PM

By Southern Star Team

Bantry bids to become dementia-friendly town Image
The initiative hopes to support Bantry to become an inclusive community for people living with dementia. (Photo: Shutterstock)

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BANTRY Age Friendly, in partnership with Bantry Business Association and Bantry Chamber of Commerce, is inviting businesses to participate in a dementia awareness programme.

The initiative hopes to support Bantry to become an inclusive community for people living with dementia.

There are approximately 64,000 people living with dementia in Ireland and this number is expected to double in the next 20 years, due to our ageing population. Two thirds of people with dementia live in the community and, with a little support, many can still regularly use community facilities and services.

Winnie O’Sullivan, chair of Bantry Age Friendly said that businesses in Bantry work really hard to serve all members of the community, including people living with dementia. ‘This programme will build on the knowledge and skills that businesses already have,’ she said. ‘Working together we can ensure people living with dementia are included in all aspects of community life. We are grateful for the great support from Bantry Business Association and Bantry Chamber of Commerce.’

The dementia awareness programme will assist businesses and staff gain a better understanding of what it means to people living with dementia. It will also provide some communication skills and strategies to assist people with dementia, their families, and carers.

The programme will be delivered by Sarah Cairns, dementia educator, who has considerable experience in training people to interact well with anyone living with dementia. The training will be delivered in small groups over two interactive 1½ hour sessions, a week or two apart. This allows for the learning to be put into practice.

Participants will gain some essential basic information about dementia, along with an understanding of the needs of a person living with dementia in relation to customer facing services. The training will help staff recognise someone living with dementia and be skilled and confident in how to respond and support them.


Funding has been provided to support this project through Cork Kerry Community Healthcare, HSE.


Business can book places on the programme  by texting  Juliette on 087 9103036.




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