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Bandon’s Daphne queued overnight at Queen’s funeral

October 5th, 2022 7:00 PM

By Brian Moore

Bandon’s Daphne queued overnight at Queen’s funeral Image
Daphne Deane (left) at her home in Innishannon with her daughter Jennifer, and some memorabilia from Queen Elizabeth’s platinum jubilee. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

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WEST Cork was represented at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth as mother and daughter Daphne Deane and Jennifer Moore joined the hundreds of thousands of people paying their respects in London.

In fact, Daphne (75) from Bandon and her daughter Jennifer, a nurse from Innishannon, made two trips to London during the week-long official mourning period. ‘We went over first to file past the Queen’s coffin and then came home before heading over again for the funeral on Sunday,’ Jennifer told The Southern Star.

‘We queued overnight to file past the coffin and that was very emotional for my mother, who has been a great admirer of the Queen all her life. And then we wanted to get a good place on the Mall to be there to see the Queen’s coffin leaving Buckingham Palace for the last time, so we took our place and stayed overnight again.’

However, Daphne became ill as they waited on the Mall and was helped by paramedics who were on hand.

‘My mother was feeling unwell and the paramedics said that they couldn’t examine her properly and that they would have to take us out of our spot,’ Jennifer said. ‘But they promised to return us and the people around us kept the place for us. Mum was fine – she just needed to eat something and we got back in our place.’

This is not the first time that Daphne and Jennifer have travelled to London for royal occasions. ‘We went over every year for the Trooping of the Colour and Mum has been to the weddings of Charles and Diana, William and Kate and for Diana’s funeral and the Queen Mother’s,’ Jennifer said. ‘She sends birthday cards every year and my mother has lots of cards and letters from the palace, thanking her for her cards.’

Back in Bandon, Daphne Deane said that she felt privileged and emotional after the trip. ‘I was five years old when Queen Elizabeth was crowned. I remember listening to the ceremony on the wireless,’ Daphne said.

‘She was a wonderful monarch and a lovely person, and I will miss her.’ And she is already planning another trip to London. ‘I am definitely going over and I’m looking forward to the coronation next year of King Charles,’ Daphne said.

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