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Ballinspittle man tried to bite gardaí and threw frightened terrier at them

August 7th, 2020 7:10 AM

By Southern Star Team

Ballinspittle man tried to bite gardaí and threw frightened terrier at them Image

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A DRUNKEN man with a Ballinspittle address, who tried to bite two members of An Garda Síochána, ‘snapped his teeth like a rabid dog’ during the violent incident, and even threw a frightened Jack Russell terrier at one of the officers.

Darren Foley (46) whose address was given as a mobile home in Ballinspittle, did not turn up at Cork District Court for the case against him, where he was represented in his absence by solicitor Michael Quinlan.

Judge Con O’Leary convicted him of obstructing gardaí, engaging in threatening behaviour and being so drunk that he was a danger to himself or others at the time.

The judge said it merited a prison sentence and was going to impose one, but issued a bench warrant instead for him to be brought before the court for sentencing.

Inspector Jason Lynch said the accused might be at further risk as he had a suspended sentence imposed on him days earlier in Bandon, so he was now at risk of having that suspended term activated.

Inspector Gary McPolin testified that Darren Foley was drinking from a can of Dutch Gold beer and had a bag of cans at his feet while he was holding a Jack Russell terrier with a collar and pink ribbon.

Insp McPolin said the dog was shivering and very frightened and it did not appear to have belonged to the accused man.

‘He called us Black and Tans, Free State bastards and Fenian bastards. He was quite rambling. I said, “Sir, would you mind desisting from using bad language”.’

‘He threw the dog towards me – the poor terrier – I believe he didn’t own the dog. The dog did not stay around.’

He added: ‘Mr Foley lunged at me, tried to bite me and spat in my face. I put him on the ground. He was snapping his teeth like a rabid dog. He kept shouting that he knew where I lived and he would burn my house down.’

Cross-examined by Mr Quinlan, the inspector said of the different names being shouted at gardaí: ‘I was smirking to myself at the contradiction in that, but it was not the time or place to give him a history lesson.’

Garda Pat Russell testified that at lunchtime on November 22 2019 he went to a car park at Paul Street with Insp McPolin where a man was abusive and threatening to members of the public.

Garda Russell said he saw Damien Foley drinking from a can of Dutch Gold and he had a white and brown Jack Russell terrier.

‘When he was informed he was being arrested he threw the Jack Russell terrier at Insp McPolin.

‘He was abusive and referred to us as Free State bastards. He had cuts to both of his fists and his face.

‘He (the defendant) spat at us and attempted to bite us on a number of occasions.

‘Again he lashed out with both of his fists and attempted to spit at us,’ Garda Russell testified before the court.

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