MARTIN WALSH takes an alphabetical look at what promises to be another big year for Irish motorsport
A is for amazing that describes the dedication and devotion of motorsport people including marshals, organisers and officials that, despite all kinds of weather, ensure that competitors and spectators can enjoy the sport at events throughout the country.
B is for Ballylickey and home of the Cronin motorsport dynasty that, through the sheer determination and resolve of Danny Cronin has given so many motorsport fans everywhere the opportunity to watch Keith, Daniel, Robert and Colin showcase their undoubted talents.
C is for Clonakilty one of the country's best rally locations for its efforts in promoting the West Cork Rally that has become an integral part of the Irish Tarmac Rally Championship in a very short space of time. The welcome given by the people of Clonakilty and the surrounding area to the event along with the crews and spectators is one of the hallmarks of that success. The collective desire by the local rally committee and the Cork Motor Club is the envy of many clubs throughout the county and further afield.
D is for debate or perhaps the lack of same within the hierarchy of Irish motorsport. Debate leads to better decisions and avoids the backlash and discontent in many aspects of motorsport, especially in the light of recent decisions.
E is for ego, something that ruins the very fabric of society, and it should have no place in Irish motorsport. E is also for the environment, an area that seems to be central to issues, ironically that could dramatically change the future of the sport. E is also for electric and that future, whatever that will be.
F can only be for fuel, a substance that is currently dominating the rally agenda with the Motorsport Ireland announcement less than a month before the season kicks off with the Galway International Rally. The announcement came out of the blue, catching organisers and indeed many officials by surprise. Ironically, the competitors were not informed in the original announcement.
G is governance. The pyramid of power within Motorsport Ireland is an interesting situation with its 32 affiliated clubs having direct involvement in the selection process for just three of the 20-plus members of the Motor Sport Council. Clubs have a voice at the ‘clubs meetings’ that is mostly on zoom every quarter. Competitions Advisory Committee (CAC) meetings (the forerunner to the ‘clubs meetings’) were disbanded, albeit not by the consensus of the clubs.
H is for harmony, something that exists between most of the affiliated clubs that work together, particularly in their main events, usually rallies. Utilising resources, systems and personnel makes for a more streamlined event. It is perhaps best illustrated that it is ‘their’ sport.
I is for information to be shared and not held as a pawn or on the basis of the need-to-know. Of course it needs to be clear and concise and without ambiguity. The sport's rule book has for so so many years been the perfect example of this and yet, the ambiguities continue to feature annually.
J is for justice, all clubs and competitors must be treated with respect. In every situation, clubs and competitors have the right of appeal. In those situations, the rules must be fair to all concerned and provide all avenues, including legal proceedings, as an integral part to achieving the correct outcome. J is also for jeans but that's a story for another time!
K is for kindness; it is much easier to show this attitude rather than having an aggressive attitude that can only lead to confrontation and an escalation of the issues.
L is for legal and the importance of having proper structures that will stand up to scrutiny. Structures within clubs vary considerably and given that clubs are under one umbrella, should be uniform. We have seen this in the not-too-distant past with issues between club and the governing body. There's an adage that says ‘We know what you meant to say, but what does the rule say’.

M is for marshals, without whom the sport could not exist. They stand out in all types of weather to ensure events go ahead. Is it too much to ask that competitors help out on at least one event during a season to ease the burden on clubs?
N is for nurturing for people within clubs, commissions and councils to ensure that the sport is passed on to future generations with all the correct procedures in place to ensure the continuity of the sport.
O is for objective or objectives. The ambition and desire to make improvements is what separates a good club from just an ordinary club. It's not having targets that are seen as unreasonable. At times, it's those smaller details that make a difference. Good pre-planning and post event discussions are part of the package.
P is for promotion insofar that organising clubs don't always avail of the avenues of publicity, be it in print, radio (we won't mention television) and social media. Yes, there are some clubs that are very switched on in this regard. Seeded entry lists need to be available as early as possible; competitors can help in this instance by entering before the closing dates.
Q is for qualified albeit not necessarily professionally, but more so in terms of experience. There are many vastly-experienced people in Irish motorsport that are being ignored by officialdom, probably because they present a threat to those currently in senior positions.
R is for respect, a seven-letter word that is being used far too much without meaning what it is and what it really means in every aspect of life including sport.
S is for the spectators that travel and attend all the events, particular rallies, that may not be members of the affiliated clubs but share a great interest in the sport. They don't differentiate between the various championships, they just want to be entertained, they can help the organising clubs by purchasing the rally programmes for those events, every little helps. S is also for sponsors, without whom many competitors would not be able to afford to compete.
T is for teamwork. Remember the adage, there is no I in team. A good organising team will incorporate the ability of individuals that are competent in their own particular sphere and mould everybody into a strong organisation.
V is for vision that sets people or clubs apart. It's being creative, resourceful and showing the desire not just to settle for the ordinary.
W is for welcome and the importance of making people welcome, something not discussed often enough. In some respects, it's a bit like thanks insofar as people don't often show it often enough.
X shouldn't be about just ticking a box, one needs to know what the box is all about.
Y hopefully is not for yawn as you near the end of this alphabetical description on motorsport in 2025 that is meant to be entertaining, provoking, truthful, honest and, at times, tongue in cheek.
Z is for zeal and those people that have great energy and enthusiasm within motorsport to retain its values for the sport and not for egotistical reasons.