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Vera pleads with Taoiseach on treatment

November 30th, 2020 10:30 PM

By Southern Star Team

Vera pleads with Taoiseach on treatment Image
Ava’s mum Vera wants the Taoiseach to allow the current arrangement to continue after Covid.

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CORK mum Vera Twomey has pleaded with the Taoiseach to allow her daughter continue to have her life-saving medicinal cannabis delivered to her, even when Covid-19 restrictions are lifted.

Anything else could cost her, her life, she fears.

Vera’s daughter Ava (11) has Dravet Syndrome and after a lengthy campaign by her mum, has had a licence to take medicinal cannabis to control her seizures for the last four years.

That arrangement saw Vera travel to the Netherlands from their home in Aghabullogue to purchase the medication and bring it back to Ireland every 12 weeks.

‘She has responded very well, and considering the serious outcome for Dravet Syndrome patients, it’s clear that medical cannabis has saved her life,’ said Vera.

‘During the lockdown the HSE arranged importation and delivery of Ava’s medication. But they have told us, in writing, that the arrangement will cease once Covid restrictions are lifted.

‘My daughter has a compromised immune system and there exists a real danger that either Paul or I would contract Covid-19 while travelling to bring it back to our daughter. It could cost Ava her life.’

In recent days Vera has had a phone meeting with Taoiseach Micheál Martin who is ‘up to speed on everything.’

‘Resolving this issue is down to Micheál Martin and Stephen Donnelly to implement change as a matter of urgency,’ she added.

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