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US band marches on to Macroom

March 17th, 2020 6:10 AM

By Kieran O'Mahony

US band marches on to Macroom Image

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AN American marching band, with an entourage of 170, is still coming to Macroom despite the cancellation of the town’s St Patrick’s Day parade due to Covid-19.

The Woodland String Band from Philadelphia – who are well renowned for their colourful costumes  – have been coming to Macroom since 2000 and this year marks the 20th anniversary of their first visit.

Speaking to The Southern Star, Jo Lovell of the Lee Valley Enterprise Board, who are behind Macroom’s St Patrick’s Week Festival  said that despite the cancellation of next week’s parade the band and their supporters are still coming.

‘Nothing seems to get them down and they said they are coming anyway  and they’re bringing their instruments as well.

‘This is the biggest crowd of them coming here in the 20 years,’ said Jo.

‘They will be staying locally in Macroom and Ballyvourney but they will still be taking part in a concert in the Everyman Theatre on Sunday March 15th.’

The 170- strong contingent arrives in Dublin Airport on Thursday  March 12th before making their way south to Macroom.

It is understood the band may play outside Macroom Castle on St Patrick’s Day seeing as the parade has been cancelled.

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