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Too many risks taken by farmers

June 3rd, 2017 8:10 AM

By Southern Star Team

Too many risks taken by farmers Image
Dorothy Watson, ESRI.

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Getting help with difficult tasks may be a key to reducing farm accidents, according to a new report by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) on risks taken by farmers in their workplaces.

GETTING help with difficult tasks may be a key to reducing farm accidents, according to a new report by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) on risks taken by farmers in their workplaces.

Farming is the occupation with the highest risk of fatalities in Ireland, with a rate nearly ten times the average across occupations between 2009 and 2015. The report, published last week, Risk taking and Accidents on Irish Farms, was completed as part of the ESRI and Health and Safety Authority (HSA) research programme, and examines a number of different types of risks that farmers take and looks at whether they are associated with accidents or ‘near misses’ on the farm. 

The authors drew on a survey of over 800 farmers commissioned by the HSA in 2013. The farmers in the study were all male self-employed farmers who had no regular paid employees.

A statistical model took account of a number of factors at once in terms of their association with risk taking, such as farmer age, family status, farm size, and whether it was a dairy farm.  The results showed that:

•  Unmarried farmers were more likely to take risks in not checking machinery before use;

•  Farmers with larger farms were more likely to take risks by not routinely using safety gear: the odds of this were nearly three times as high on the largest farms (more than 100 hectares) than on the smallest farms (less than 20 hectares);

•  On the other hand, larger farmers were less likely to take risks in terms of tackling difficult jobs without help: the odds were roughly one third lower on the largest than on the smallest farms;  

•  Not storing chemicals out of reach of children – although the least common type of risk overall - was more likely on dairy farms and among part-time farmers;

•  With other factors taken into account, differences by age and having children were not statistically significant. There was no association between risk taking and work stress.

Farmers were asked whether they or someone else had experienced an accident on their own farm in the previous ten years or whether they had personally experienced a near miss.

•  Overall, 12 per cent of farmers in the survey were personally involved in an accident, 27 per cent had had a near miss and 8 per cent reported that someone else had been involved in an accident on their farm. Because the farms for the study were selected, the rate of accidents or near misses on the farms may be somewhat higher than the overall rate across all farms. 

•  Only half of the farmers who had experienced an accident reported subsequently changing something on the farm.

Dorothy Watson, an author of the report, commented: ‘Farm safety is a critical issue. In the last seven years, 138 people have been killed in farm accidents, making farming the most dangerous occupation in terms of fatalities. The results of this report highlight the significance of getting help with difficult jobs and checking machinery in reducing the risk of accidents in farming. 

‘Future policies should emphasise the importance of getting help with difficult tasks on the farm, as the research indicated that failing to do so is associated with a higher risk of accidents and near misses.’

Martin O’Halloran, chief executive of the HSA stated: ‘This research is important because it helps us to develop a deeper understanding of the mindset of farmers and why unsafe practices are occurring. Once we understand what triggers risk taking on farms we can implement strategies that are appropriate, for the industry, and will bring about a sustained reduction in accidents.’

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