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TD should back up her tweets with evidence

March 15th, 2020 8:05 PM

TD should back up her tweets with evidence Image

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A CHARA – As a recent UCC law graduate, I recognise the necessity of evidence. Given that fact, I wonder what evidence Ms Holly Cairns TD had, as a 23-year-old woman. when she called Pope Francis ‘a paedophile ringleader.’

If she has any, surely it her duty to produce it. If she hasn’t, doesn’t this tweet count as naked sectarianism?

Secondly, ironically, she has stated that the ‘Aughadown Newsletter’ was her ‘favourite piece of the election.’ In it, she’s advised that ‘there are few Lucinda Creightons and Peadar Tóibíns in politics’ (who resigned from their respective parties on principles).

Is  Ms Cairns’ grasp of recent political history so unsteady that she isn’t aware that these two TDs resigned on a pro-life principle? This surely is a far cry from her tweet ‘I’m gonna (sic) get an abortion for every minute of airtime given to the Papal Conclave.’

Finally, as many of her fair-minded constituents called for a clampdown on cyber-bullying. Ms Cairns gleefully hoped that an elderly man would be subjected to it. ‘The Pope is gonna (sic) get so cyber-bullied. Can’t wait.’

Am I wrong in thinking these tweets are sectarian, senseless and spiteful? Maybe I am!

Helen Bhreathnach,

An Seantigh Scoile,

Loch an Chairn,

Léim Uí Dhonabháin.

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