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Sunshine and blue skies forecast for West Cork this weekend

September 11th, 2019 2:36 PM

By Southern Star Team

Sunshine and blue skies forecast for West Cork this weekend Image
Will you be heading to the beach this weekend? Photo: Shutterstock

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It looks like we could be in for an Indian summer in West Cork this weekend with warm temperatures forecast.

It looks like we could be in for an Indian summer in West Cork according to reports from Met Éireann's website.

Thursday night looks set to be mild and dry with light winds but it could be time for the sun cream once Friday comes.

'Other than the odd spot of drizzle near northwest coasts, Friday will be a fine and dry day with variable cloud and sunny spells. Temperatures will range 16 to 18 degrees in light variable winds,' it states on

Saturday is also likely to be a fine and dry day everywhere. According to Met Éireann, most places will get good spells of warm sunshine. Winds will be light and variable generally, and even some sea breezes near coasts.

There will be little change for Sunday, but northern counties will be cloudier and patchy drizzle or light rain may affect parts of Ulster and Connacht. However most places will be dry with further warm sunshine - best in the south.

The further outlook is for high pressure to prevail into early next week with mainly dry weather continuing and temperatures staying above the seasonal norm according to Met Éireann.

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