A simulated road traffic accident collision exercise took place recently at Skibbereen Fire Station to highlight the dangers students will face on the roads.
A SIMULATED road traffic accident collision exercise took place recently at Skibbereen Fire Station to highlight the dangers students will face on the roads.
A two-vehicle collision, which resulted in one fatality, was the scenario which greetetd the students at the station.
Paramedics, fire fighters and gardai portrayed a realistic scene which has been seen too often on Irish roads. Such was the reality of the scene, one student fainted on seeing the carnage. With paramedics on hand, the casulty was treated and made a full recovery to view the rest of the exercise.
Sgt Tony McCarthy and Gda Don Davis, juvenile liaison officer, highlighted the dangers which face young drivers, while outlining the consequences of dangerous driving and use of mobile phones while driving.
Exercise co-ordinator paramedic Garry Minihane, spoke on seiours injuries which people can aquire at a serious accident while ambulance officer Kevin O’Sullivan gave an account of the number of fatalaties on Irish roads.
Fire Officer Des Quinn, gave a comprehensive report on the Fire Service’s role at a road traffic accident.
Two students were given the opportunity to see what it is like to be in a post-crash car while the fire service extricated them.
A questions and answer session followed with the students.