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Six-month waiting list to simply book in a driving test with RSA

October 26th, 2021 1:30 PM

Six-month waiting list to simply book in a driving test with RSA Image

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AN estimated date of March 28th was given to a Cork man to book his driving test appointment. 

It was a constituent of FF TD for Cork North West Aindrias Moynihan’s, and now the deputy has renewed his call on the Minister for Transport to reduce the long waiting list for driving test appointments.

‘According to the RSA, during the pandemic essential workers were prioritised for tests. However, now that the economy has nearly fully reopened, they say the concept of an essential worker has changed and for that reason they are now only giving priority to a small cohort of workers, medical professionals, emergency services who need to drive a car as part of their duties,’ said the TD.

He continued: ‘This means that for the likes of my constituent, he has been put in the waiting list queue and will only be given an invitation to select a suitable slot when he reaches his place in the queue, which won’t be until the end of March next year.’

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