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Sinn Féin councillor feels unsafe after relentless online harassment

April 13th, 2023 11:55 AM

By Kieran O'Mahony

Sinn Féin councillor feels unsafe after relentless online harassment Image
Cllr Danielle Twomey (SF) said that the stress is starting to take its toll.

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WEST Cork councillors have backed their fellow East Cork councillor, Danielle Twomey, after she went public about the abuse she has been receiving from one individual.

The Sinn Féin councillor, who is the only party member in Cork County Council, said that it has got to the stage now where she actually feels ‘unsafe and uncomfortable.’

‘Not only has he put up lies on social media, he has emailed me and messaged me. He has requested I attend a mediation session with him to resolve our differences (I’ve never met this guy),’ she posted online

‘He has emailed Cork County Council Sipo (standards in public office) and made complaints that obviously are unfounded. He called into radio stations that I was speaking on asking to be put on the other line.’

Her former colleague, Cllr Paul Hayes, who is now an independent councillor, said it is ‘absolutely appalling’ that she as a public representative should be treated like this.

‘I regard Danielle as a friend and a colleague and it’s shocking that she is being harassed to the point that she is considering her position,’ he told The Southern Star.

‘We all get grief from time to time but sometimes people go overboard and I am fully supporting her.’

Cllr Karen Coakley (Ind) said that no one should have to endure what Cllr Twomey is enduring. ‘As a public representative she is always putting the public first and she should not have to endure this and to endure it so publicly is scandalous,’ said Cllr Coakley.

Meanwhile, Cllr Twomey said the harassment has been ‘relentless’ and what the man is posting about her online is simply not true. While she said the matter is being dealt by gardaí, she said it has caused her to question whether she needs this in her life and if she should put herself forward for election next year.

‘I love the community I represent but the stress and upset this has caused me in recent weeks, over one individual and his lies, is really starting to take its toll now.’

She said that she has given so much of her life to the job for the last seven years where she has made sacrifices including missing her children’s matches, dance shows and other events.

Cllr Twomey later  removed her post, citing an ‘ongoing legal investigation’, which she said she does not want to hinder. She thanked all those who have messaged with support.

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