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Rare Glossy Ibis may not be so rare here any more

January 23rd, 2022 9:45 PM

By Jackie Keogh

Rare Glossy Ibis may not be so rare here any more Image
Could this be the very first sighting of a Glossy Ibis in Adrigole?

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RARE sightings of the Glossy Ibis may not be so rare anymore.

Glengarriff-based conservation ranger Clare Heardman confirmed that there seems to have been an influx of this beautiful bird in recent weeks.

‘They breed in North Africa and the closest breeding ground is right in the south of Spain,’ she told The Southern Star.

‘A flock of 21 were seen at Barry’s Head between Kinsale and Cork within the last month, and two more were seen near the Carbery production facility in Ballineen,’ she added.

‘It is a very striking bird – big, black and glossy – hence the name. It is beautiful so straight away you know you are looking at something exotic.’

Beara is laying claim to its first sighting of the Glossy Ibis after a photograph of the bird was taken on Tuesday afternoon week.

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