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Paperwork for drainage system job in Bantry is being sorted

December 21st, 2019 7:05 AM

By Jackie Keogh

Paperwork for drainage system job in Bantry is being sorted Image
Main Street in Bantry was resurfacd recently but now there are plans for a major water and drainage system in the town. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

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TENDER documents for a survey of the underground waterworks and drainage system in Bantry town centre are being finalised.

The underground system of culverts in Bantry are so antiquated and, in some situations, positioned so close to the foundations of some homes and businesses that it has been estimated that the overall project will cost millions and lead to major disruptions while the work is carried out in four stages.

Padraig Barrett, the Council’s director of services for roads, confirmed that the Irish Water is currently ‘commenting on’ the tender documents and that survey works are expected to commence early in 2020, subject to funding.

In response to a question by Cllr Danny Collins (Ind), Mr Barrett said the new culverts, or waterworks, will include water mains, foul sewers, land drains, and technical ducting.

‘It will,’ he added, ‘be a multi-agency project and will involve Irish Water and a lot of the utility companies.  We are discussing it with Irish Water and the OPW and they agree that have a role to play in it.’ However, he told the councillors that they will ‘know more’ after the survey in the New Year.

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