WALLPAPER is often pretty expensive, so I never like to throw it out. So what do you do with that unused wallpaper?
I use wallpaper quite a bit in my line of work and within my own home place, I’ve come up with a lot of ways to upcycle the leftovers.
Some of them are home decor projects, and some are ways to add wallpaper to a room when you don’t have enough to do the whole thing.
In any case, they’re all easy ways to use up small pieces or single rolls of wallpaper and create something attractive for your home.

If you like to make your drawers and shelves look pretty, adding some wallpaper is a really easy way to do it.
I used the leftover wallpaper from my office filing drawers and in a chest of drawers in the bedrooms to create drawer liners.
Or you can make easy and inexpensive art by cutting coordinating pieces of wallpaper to fit into frames.
Wallpaper also works well for turning inexpensive tins and jars into pretty storage containers as desk tidies or floral table displays, ideal for simple al fresco garden dining.
Create some panels with picture moulding and wallpaper the inside. That way you can make the panels whatever size you have enough wallpaper to cover and you still get the look you wanted in the room.
If you need help with your home decor contact Lauraine on 086 8657360, follow her Facebook page ineanish, or see www.ineanish.ie.