
LETTER: Why does Israel stick in Palestine lobby's craw?

May 13th, 2017 5:00 PM

By Southern Star Team

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SIR – Six weeks sick and a month in hospital hardly help a prompt touch, but having done the post, Daniel Teegan in mid-April –like the Bourbons – forgot nothing and learnt nothing of his pre-Vatican II bigotries. Further, it is surprising how Israel’s enemies persist in outdated information and are too narrow to use the mirrors to empathise with other people’s viewpoints.  

SIR – Six weeks sick and a month in hospital hardly help a prompt touch, but having done the post, Daniel Teegan in mid-April –like the Bourbons – forgot nothing and learnt nothing of his pre-Vatican II bigotries. Further, it is surprising how Israel’s enemies persist in outdated information and are too narrow to use the mirrors to empathise with other people’s viewpoints.  

Balfour and Israel is the only British WW I policy still existing – and mutually thriving.  As Wm Pitt Yngr noted, ‘British policy is British trade.’  

Does Palestine trade anything except violence, political myopia and gumming up a third of UN time with repeat resolutions? What is there to apologise for when the Arab apology for leadership rejected eight offers or opportunities to create an Arab state in Palestine between Peel in 1937 and Olmert in 2007? Throwing out babies with bathwater hardly invites sympathy. 

 ‘Sow’s ear 1’ – two descents to slagging Israel, Jews and Zionism with the financial trope. In WWI the vast majority of world Jews were poor and the Balfour policy was primarily a political, votes and opinion hunt to persuade US and American Jews to side with the Allies against Germany. 

Even now Jewish money in the world economy is miniscule – we are only 1/500th of the people. Compare the major flows of oil and arms trade in which the Arab World lead in selling and buying. If Palestine was not sorted in the ’50s nor since, it is because of oil politics and UN suborned votes to Super Power games.   

‘Sow’s ear 2’ – the pseudo Communist reduction of racialism to racist rhyming with Fascist to reproach Israel and Jews wanting a state and refuge of their own after the world threw them to the wolves in the late century – inclusive de Valera Ireland’s refusals to take in significant numbers of Jews fleeing persecutions from (lapsed-) Catholic bigots.  

Daniel Teegan like Gerry Adams and Michael Collins – Anglo-Saxon patronymics and Biblical names – is an Irish ethnic nationalist supporting Palestine Arab ethnic nationalists with a policy of no Jews in Palestine! Does he realise the irony of hanging over the fire of his own critique?    

If US, Irish, Indian, Italian, and Polish RC ethnic nationalism and independences are OK, why does Israel stick in the Palestine lobby’s craw?  The conflict could have been shut down in the fifties or in ’67 without occupation nor Israeli settlements?  

Arafat was hired to extend the six-day war to six decades to create vindictive political compications, but has that achieved ‘Palestine’ or anything else?

‘Sow’s twirly tail’ – Deliberately ignoring half of Israel’s Jews being out of families that fled the Arab World’s pre-Enlightenment, anti-modernism thug violence against kaffirs, e.g. the savage who travelled from Bradford to kill an Ahmadi shopkeeper in Glasgow for wishing his clientele a happy Christmas. This decade of the Arab Word’s turmoils has seen all the shop burning, knives and rapist pogroms of Christians in the Levant that was turned on Jews in the Arab World in 1945-’62.   

When does the IPSC take up residence in Egypt or Syria? Incidentally Israeli families no longer trouble about Sephardi – Ashkenasi quirks of diet, music and much else because that intermarriage rate passed 50% decades back. 

Perhaps those with DTs over Palestine, or rather still nursing medieval attitudes, could explain their tizzy, but why they are not bothered about European – including Irish colonialism – under the British in the Americas and Australasia?

Yours faithfully, 

Frank Adam,                    

14, Hartley Ave, 

Prestwich, M25 0AT,


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