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LETTER: Male just as delicate a gender as the female

December 17th, 2017 8:05 PM

By Southern Star Team

LETTER: Male just as delicate a gender as the female Image
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Cut out the nonsense, Ms Crossey – one cap does not fit all men, but the very few.

SIR – There is not much point with trying to debate with Anne Crossey, when her one-dimensional stance is one of men being nasty and women are universally oppressed by them (Letters, December 9th).

It is never the case that good words are written about men by the likes of Anne, because that would have to stretch the narrative beyond using buzzwords like ‘offended,’ ‘misogyny,’ ‘disturbing,’ ‘alarming,’ ‘speaking for women’ and myriad descriptions of men and their shortcomings trotted out with certainty.

I feel sorry for women like Anne who cannot believe that the male is just as delicate a gender as is the female, but he is often destroyed by lies and unfounded allegations. I have found that, in my longish life, it is foolish to get hung up on a formula designed by one side of the dancefloor to denigrate the lads across the way before they've even asked a lady for a dance.

I like – and have in my time loved – women without thinking I have ‘latent misognystic tendencies,’ which will surely see me insult or otherwise abuse women, given enough time.

Cut out the nonsense, Ms Crossey – one cap does not fit all men, but the very few. Feel free to wallow in your manufactured self-pity for womankind and whatever else it is you're indulging in, but – rest assured – men are good people also, and not the definite monsters you make them out to be.

Robert Sullivan,




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