SIR – The article in the Star on October 22nd about Ed Harper and his dog Izzy was very apt.
SIR – The article in the Star on October 22nd about Ed Harper and his dog Izzy was very apt.
Indeed, it could have referred to the streets of Bantry, the surrounding amenity areas such as the lovely walk along the seashore, or the pavements on the outskirts of town.
The only possible thing that Ed Harper missed in writing his article was the fouling by dogs wherever the urge to empty their bowels. It’s not the dogs which are to blame for not cleaning up after themselves, it’s the lazy uncaring owners who deserve this title.
The attitude of drivers who park on the footpaths while they ‘are only going to be a minute’ is the usual response. It is not just the blind or vision-impaired who are impeded, persons pushing prams, wheelchair users, and persons with mobility problems are also victims of these selfish drivers.
I heartily agree with Ed when it comes to the multitude of street furniture which takes up pedestrian pavement – it is often a challenge to find one’s way around bins, sandwich boards, etc without having to step into the roadway.
Please support all people who use their feet to walk the streets of your town, clean up after your pets, take your bins in when they are emptied, and be alert as to where you park your vehicle.
Pauline Derby,
Rock Lane,
Chapel Street,