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Judge notes cheese factory worker’s expensive taste

June 11th, 2023 10:05 PM

By Southern Star Team

Judge notes cheese factory worker’s expensive taste Image

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A DISTRICT court judge told a man who stole two bottles of Ciroc vodka as well as a Columbia jacket that he has ‘expensive taste.’

Judge John King made the comment when dealing with the case of Fabian Smigiel of 7 Silversprings, Watergate Street, Bandon at a recent sitting of Bandon District Court. 

Mr Smigiel pleaded guilty to three theft charges from businesses in Bandon.

Sgt Trish O’Sullivan said the first theft occurred at Wild Side Sports in Bandon on December 29th last when the defendant stole a Columbia men’s insulated jacket, valued at €180.

‘CCTV identified him and the jacket was not recovered,’ said Sgt O’Sullivan.

The court then heard that on January 12th last Mr Smigiel stole a bottle of Ciroc Vodka from SuperValu in the Riverview Shopping Centre, valued at €45 and it was not recovered afterwards.

He committed a similar offence at the same supermarket on February 5th last where he left the bottle at the entrance to the store and a magnet was used to remove the tag. However, this bottle was recovered and he admitted the offence.

Judge King said the defendant has ‘expensive taste’ and that none of the items stolen were necessities.

Solicitor Myra Dinneen said her client paid for the Columbia jacket afterwards and had a receipt for it. She said her client, who is Polish, has been in Ireland for eight months and works in the local cheese factory.

‘This is his first time in court and he very much regrets what happened and he wasn’t here that long but he pleaded at the first opportunity,’ said Ms Dinneen.

Judge King was told that the defendant will pay SuperValu for the two bottles of vodka that he stole.

‘I’ll give him a chance and will put it back for six months,’ said Judge King, who remanded him on continuing bail to November 20th for him to discharge the balance of compensation to SuperValu and to also bring €400 for the court’s poor box.

‘If there has been no adverse attention then the court will give him the benefit of the Probation Act. If he has not complied or comes to garda attention, then I will convict and fine him €400.

‘He knows exactly what is expected of him now.’

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