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Green light coming for Macroom bypass

September 14th, 2019 10:00 AM

By Emma Connolly

Green light coming for Macroom bypass Image
Making the announcement, Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed described it as a long over due project

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Contracts will be signed later this month for the long awaited €214m Macroom/Ballyvourney bypass

CONTRACTS will be signed later this month for the long awaited €214m Macroom/Ballyvourney bypass. 

Making the announcement, Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed described it as a long over due project, and went so far as to say that fatalities had occurred in the town due to congestion. 

He also insisted that the project would not be plagued with the same complications as the ill-fated Dunkettle Interchange outside Cork city which has been delayed by at least a year and caused a political backlash recently. 

But he added: ‘Don’t underestimate the time lag in terms of  building but this is a wonderful development and I’m confident there will be no problems with it going through cabinet.’

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