There has been a big upsurge in ‘Sexting’ by young people in West Cork recently, a garda said last week.
THERE has been a big upsurge in ‘Sexting’ by young people in West Cork recently, a garda said last week.
Garda Bridget Hartnett from Banty Garda Station made the comments at a Community Alert meeting in Caheragh on Thursday night.
She added that, along with her Drimoleague colleague, Gda Ambrose Whitty, she had given a number of talks in local schools to explain the importance of internet safety.
But she added that there had been several instances of ‘sexting’ – sending intimate photographs or graphic texts – in the area. ‘It is horrible to have to go to families and talk about this,’ she said, ‘but parents should feel free to ask the gardaí for advice at any time.’
At the same meeting, which was called to give information to the locality on the Community Alert scheme, Chief Supt Con Cadogan informed the public that the Eircodes are now being used by the gardaí at Anglesea St in Cork city. ‘If you dial 999, and give them your Eircode, they will be able to populate a map to lead them directly to your house,’ he said.