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Flexibilty is ‘key to keeping women in the workplace'

September 27th, 2019 5:51 PM

By Southern Star Team

Flexibilty is ‘key to keeping women in the workplace' Image
Denis Dudley of AIB with Helen Wycherley, Celtic Ross Hotel; Sharon Corcoran, Cork County Council and county mayor Cllr Christopher O'Sullivan, ahead of the conference.

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Women want flexible work, more mentoring from companies, and an increase in senior roles, according to the findings of the latest Network Ireland Survey.

WOMEN want flexible work, more mentoring from companies, and an increase in senior roles, according to the findings of the latest Network Ireland Survey.

Network Ireland is Ireland’s longest established and leading female-focussed business network. 

Headed up by Network Ireland, director of the Celtic Ross Hotel, she said: ‘Professional women in Ireland have spoken and they want more from their employers. Many of our members do believe that the glass ceiling still exists in the workplace and it is only by offering support, mentoring and encouragement that we can overcome that.’

The  survey comes ahead of the Network Ireland National Conference and Awards Ceremony on September 27th. 

The conference, which will be hosted by designer and businesswoman Sonya Lennon, is one of the biggest of its kind in Ireland for professional women, with 250 delegates travelling to the Celtic Ross Hotel.

The theme of this year’s annual conference is Step Up and will feature a range of national and international business people, motivational speakers and influencers, including Gráinne McCarthy of the Wall Street Journal and Grace O’Rourke, fitness and mindset coach.

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