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Experts advise at annual Drinagh dairy workshop

December 17th, 2015 10:05 PM

By Southern Star Team

Experts advise at annual Drinagh dairy workshop Image
Attending the annual Drinagh Co-Op dairy workshop last week in Skibbereen were – from left – William Kingston, Bauravilla; Seamus Daly, Drinagh Co-Op; Darren Chambers, Dunmanway; Darren Lynch and David Shields, both Drinagh Co-Op.

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Drinagh Co-Op held its annual dairy workshop at the West Cork Hotel Skibbereen recently. 

DRINAGH Co-Op held its annual dairy workshop at the West Cork Hotel Skibbereen recently. 

The workshops offering advice on a range of relevant topics ran through the afternoon until late into the evening. A range of expert advisors were on hand to give information to milk producers on topics ranging from herd health and nutrition and milk quality, winter forage, milk quality and the Sustainable Dairy Assurance Scheme. 

Dr Doreen Corridan of Munster Herd Health was as popular as ever on the day as were the Teagasc advisors who offered one-to-one consultation as did consultant nutritionalist Morgan Sheehy of Devenish Nutrition. 

Bord Bia and Drinagh personnel advised on all aspects of the Sustainable Dairy Assurance Scheme. Caroline Buttimer of Drinagh was on hand to assist suppliers in accessing their online accounts and other available online facilities.

Local financial institutions in the form of Bank of Ireland, AIB, Permanent TSB and Skibbereen Credit Union were all present to advise on available banking facilities.

As milk producers come to terms with the non-quota era Seamus Daly, Tim Regan and new agricultural advisor Darren Lynch were on hand to assist in planning and forecasting 2016 production levels.

Drinagh chief executive Joe O’Sullivan expressed the view that ‘the annual workshop is an ideal forum for milk suppliers and Drinagh staff to discuss issues and exchange views on a one-to-one basis, so that all concerned can work in a closer and more efficient way.’  All in all, the event was regarded as a great success by both farmers and Drinagh.

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