The third edition of Doing Business in Kinsale will be available in October
The third edition of Doing Business in Kinsale guide will be available this October.
The guide, available in eformat at www.doingbusinessinkinsale.
The previous two guides attracted positive feedback as well as the input from global brands showcasing business and tourism in the town.
It is the brainchild of local businessman Cormac Fitzgerald, who said: 'I have been privileged to have served as president of my own professional body, CPA Ireland and to have represented Irish Certified Public Accountants at home and abroad. On one occasion I transited through Dubai and whilst in the airport picked up a copy of Doing Business in Dubai.
'I brought the concept home and now we are working on the third edition of Doing Business in Kinsale'.
He added: 'Kinsale has a successful balance between multinationals, SMEs, entrepreneurs and high net worth individuals, all of whom enjoy all of the facilities that Kinsale has to offer. Kinsale is a very special part of Ireland with great community and a bright future'.
To advertise in the upcoming third edition contact Brian McCarthy at 028-21200 or (mobile) 086-8307312 or email brian.mccarthy@