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Castletownbere Coast Guard assists in medevac off French fishing vessel

September 30th, 2017 9:59 PM

By Southern Star Team

Castletownbere Coast Guard assists in medevac off French fishing vessel Image
Castletownbere Coast Guard and ambulance involved in the scheduled medevac.jpg

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LAST night, the Castletownbere Coast Guard team was alerted to a medevac scheduled for the early hours of today.

LAST night, the Castletownbere Coast Guard team was alerted to a medevac scheduled for the early hours of today.

A French fishing vessel, Argeles, had an injured crewman onboard and was expected in Castletownbere some hours later.

The CG crew and Castletownbere ambulance were waiting for the trawler when it docked at 2.40am.

The two crews worked together to assess and stabilise the casualty, who had sustained back injuries after a fall.

After the casualty had been transferred to the ambulance, he was taken to CUH for further treatment.

The Coast Guard team stood down at 5.10 am.

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