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Leo hoping for calm seas

December 28th, 2022 10:10 PM

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THE government reshuffle last week was unremarkable, as was expected. The lack of any drama or major surprises was a good reflection of the workings of this coalition from the off. Like a solid parent guarding a cautious teenager through life, this government has never been too keen on any unforeseen obstacles or bumps in the road. 

It has been an interesting experiment in post-Civil War politics, with some modern thinking by way of the Green agenda, thrown into the mix.

Our new Taoiseach Leo Varadkar is hoping for a 30-month stint in the top job with less roadblocks looming than his predecessor had to negotiate. 

With Covid a lot less threatening now, and a certain inevitability to the predicted energy and cost-of-living increases in 2023 and 2024, Mr Varadkar is not expecting a particularly rocky term in office.

But, as all seafarers know, the calmest sea surfaces can belie a tumultuous undercurrent, just waiting for its chance to break through.

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