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Trump on a mission to save humanity!

May 4th, 2020 11:40 AM

By Southern Star Team

Trump on a mission to save humanity! Image

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IS Trump mad? Mentally deranged, insane, as nutty as a fruitcake, crackers, of unsound mind, off his rocker, flaky or just plain crazy?

Of course not! Indeed, so healthy and free from mental disturbance are the American President’s cognitive processes that he has embarked on a mission to save humanity.

Here’s his plan: To protect the human race from the killer virus, Covid-19, he recommends beaming sunlight ‘inside the body’ and, secondly, that people should inject themselves with a household disinfectant, such as bleach.

Critics have responded with a cartload of abuse, suggesting that Mr Trump suffers from a severe form of mental illness and that his medical advice threatens the lives of millions.

To which we say: balderdash! Mr Trump is President at the precise moment that the world faces a devastating public health crisis and, fortunately for all of us, neither he nor the great country he leads are deficient in expectations, or standards. America, thanks to Mr Trump, has risen to the challenge!

After all, if bleach can disinfect a kitchen sink, surely it can spruce up a set of diseased lungs? That’s logical.  Mr Trump commented wisely on his own wonderful plan: ‘I see the disinfectant, where it knocks out (the disease) in a minute, one minute.’   

And it’s nothing but a cheap shot to suggest that the Great Man is insane.  The fact is that his brilliant ideas have the capacity to stun great medical experts and that’s not an easy thing to do! What’s more, he’s able to express his brilliant ideas in creative language that the ordinary Joe Soaps can understand.   

Horrible tweets

However, it seems not everybody in America is happy with his remarkable advice. Some tweeted horrible things: ‘On the day he permanently leaves the White House, he should be in a strait jacket.’

Coronavirus sufferers take a different line. Ten-year-old Little Mickey from Queens touched the President’s heart-strings with these questions:  How much ‘Domestos Thick Bleach’ should be used and how often; and would Mr Trump go first and please post a video of himself receiving the inaugural dose?

With a wisdom beyond his years, the little chap suggested that once a person’s lungs were tickety-boo, the left-over bleach could be used as a toilet cleaner.

Of course, as with any new medicine, there are risks. Already Mr Trump has promoted  hydroxychloroquine as a potential cure for coronavirus but, unfortunately, this led to many Americans drinking fish tank cleaner. At least one person died!

But what’s really getting up the nostrils of Trump supporters in the United States – including his Fine Gael friends in this country – is the use of not-nice comments to describe the President’s mental health.

In other words, is he bonkers? To which we say that, if America thinks Mr Trump is a fit person to look after its vast nuclear arsenal, his opinions on the digestion of household detergents and of irradiating the innards of sick American citizens also should be respected?

Non-stop mockery

Instead, in an attempt to discredit the ideas of a very great man, Mr Trump has been subjected to non-stop mockery. Worse still, according to a statement from ‘hundreds of  health professionals,’ he was ‘manifesting’ a serious mental illness that rendered him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States. That was an unfair observation!

And, believe it or not, these so-called ‘health professionals’ sought his removal from office on the basis that article 4 of the 25th amendment to the Constitution stated that the President could be replaced if he was ‘unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.’

To the horror of all decent people, an absurd story circulated that Mr Trump was suffering ‘a combination of mental disorders that caused a distortion of reality, which led to impulsive decisions.’ Such a suggestion is vile and outrageous!

As are the remarks of smarty-pants political observers who state that Mr Trump should be categorised as someone who is ‘certifiably nuts.’

Nor is he getting much support from America’s National Broadcasting Company which never stops complaining about the most dangerous public health crisis in the last hundred years, and that coronavirus threatens millions of lives.

Here’s what it recently broadcast: ‘A wannabe dictator hosts a surreal press conference nearly every afternoon. This has become a pathological national spectacle, in which Trump insults journalists, makes transparently false claims and answers simple questions with incoherent rage, like ‘I’m telling you, you’re a terrible reporter!’

It’s all very sad!  The Leftie element describes Mr Trump’s response to political criticism as excitable and hysterical, while right-wingers suggest that he may be suffering from what has been described as a phase of bipolar disorder; which also is an outrageous utterance.

Because, according to eminent physicians, Mr Trump’s tendency to repeat himself and to use colourful language in defence of his point of view does not indicate that he might be in the manic phase of a psychiatric illness.

Another King George?

Nevertheless, we must admit that Trump’s behaviour reminds us a little of King George III, who became famous for losing the American colonies, and his mind (remember the film ‘The Madness of King George’?).

In fact, the King’s ‘madness’ has been attributed to a common medicine, ‘James’s Powders,’ which contained arsenic (other medicines included an emetic that had him pleading for death).

We’re not suggesting, of course, that American doctors should treat Mr Trump in a similar fashion or that they have any intention of doing so.

Yet, they are kinda suggesting that Mr Trump might have a serious problem just when the country is experiencing its worst public health crisis in over 100  years.

In January, newspapers reported that a cross-party group of senators and congresspeople  were seriously discussing Trump’s ‘fitness to rule’ and whether he had the ‘emotional maturity and stability’ to warrant re-election as President.

The famous Watergate journalist, Carl Bernstein, commented: ‘We are in uncharted territory here … I’ve never heard (people) talking about a president the way this subtext is now a talking point.’

Then, last week two Republican groups who oppose Trump’s re-election, attacked his ‘disinfectant’ plan as well as his proposal to use ultraviolet light for combatting Covid-19.

Their criticism prompted dreadful jokes, such as ‘Trump’s imbleachment trial to start soon’!

And yet, despite the background of triviality and political hoopla, coronavirus continues to kill in the United States; so far more than 40,000 people.

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