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Tell me about . . . Valentine’s Day: do you love it or loathe it?

February 12th, 2022 8:00 PM

By Southern Star Team

Tell me about . . . Valentine’s Day: do you love it or loathe it? Image
Margaret has happy ‘innocent days’ memories of V-day.

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Former Cork South West TD Margaret Murphy O’Mahony says she’s not very romantic, but she still doesn’t shy away from saying ‘I love you!’

What’s your ideal way to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

I don’t really celebrate it at all, I find it all very commercialised, a bit cringe and naf!

Would you say you’re a romantic?

No!  If you asked me to list 100 adjectives to describe myself, ‘romantic’ would not feature!  I think I am too much of a ground hurler and solid to be romantic.  Saying that, I tell my husband Paddy that I love him several times a day.

Any stand-out Valentines memories from over the years?

I clearly remember running home from secondary school on Valentine’s Day to see if any cards had arrived in the post and comparing notes with the girls in my class the next day. 

Happy fun-filled, innocent days, great memories!

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