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Teachers have to protect kids on school zebra crossing from reckless motorists

February 18th, 2023 11:50 AM

By Kieran O'Mahony

Teachers have to protect kids on school zebra crossing from reckless motorists Image
The pedestrian crossing outside Kilmurry National School.

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RECKLESS motorists going through Kilmurry village on the morning commute have even driven around teachers protecting their pupils on a zebra crossing outside the national school.

Cllr Gobnait Moynihan (FF) raised the issue facing parents and staff at a recent meeting of Macroom Municipal District and she asked for the Council to look at the section of road outside Kilmurry National School to make it more pedestrian friendly.

‘Parents and teachers have contacted me on this and are concerned about the dangers in front of the school. I’ve been told of incidents where parents and children had close calls with traffic speeding and failing to stop,’ said Cllr Moynihan. ‘There are vehicles on this section of road in the mornings flying through, coming off the Bantry line and trying to access the N22 road and aren’t willing to stop.’

She pointed out that there is a pedestrian crossing there with a high ramp and flashing lights, where vehicles are obliged to give way to the pedestrian on the crossing.

‘However, I have heard of cars actually attempting to drive around  a teacher as they have stood out there to protect pupils. I appreciate drivers are rushing to get to work but surely this isn’t a good enough reason to put school children’s lives in danger.’

Cllr Moynihan suggested putting rumble strips approaching the school but was told by officials that they are noisy when vehicles are driven over them and may not suit local residents. 

Senior Council executive engineer James Dwyer said that a zebra crossing and raised ramp were installed in 2018 wand said that footpaths could be added on the school side of the road but this would eliminate space currently being used as parking or drop-offs.

Cllr Moynihan also pointed out that the school has plans to extend and put in place three autism unit classrooms and therefore it was vital measures would be put in place to protect pedestrians.

Mr Dwyer said that when this planning permission is submitted then conditions could be included that may help resolve the issue.

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