A Garda Clinic will be held at the Social Centre/ Old Boys School in Schull from 6pm to 8pm daily.
SCHULL Garda Station is closed from Monday, October 30th, for approximately eight weeks to carry out refurbishment work.
An Garda Síochána aims to have Ballydehob Garda Station open from 11am to 1pm and 4pm to 7pm if the public requires Garda services and Ballydehob station can be contacted on 028-37111.
However, a Garda Clinic will be held in Schull at the Social Centre / Old Boys School from 6pm-8pm daily. Appointments can be made with Gardai by contacting them on the following numbers 028-28111.
The Garda clinic in Schull will be located at the rear of the parish church in Schull. Additional patrols will be carried out during the refurbishment and the gardaí would like to reassure the community that An Garda Síochána will be present and can be contacted at any time.
One may contact Bantry Garda Station on 027-20860 or if you require urgent assistance call 112 or 999.