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Puppy walkers are needed

March 3rd, 2015 3:45 PM

By Southern Star Team

Puppy walkers are needed Image

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Irish Guide Dogs is urgently looking for volunteer puppy walkers in Cork and the surrounding areas. The puppy walker's job is to foster and socialise the pup from six weeks to 12-14 months.

Puppy WalkersIRISH Guide Dogs is urgently looking for volunteer puppy walkers in Cork and the surrounding areas. The puppy walker’s job is to foster and socialise the pup from six weeks to 12-14 months. The puppy must be allowed sleep in the home and all training equipment and food will be provided by Irish Guide Dogs. You’ll also get regular training classes and support from your puppy walking supervisor. Retired people and families with children generally make good puppy walkers, but anyone can apply and having pets doesn’t necessarily exclude people. The important thing is that the person is able to spend time caring for and teaching the puppy. However, there must be an adult at home full-time and puppies can’t be placed in homes where there are children under the age of five. There can also be no more than two other dogs in the home. For more information or to apply to become a puppy walker lo-call 1850 506 300 or go to

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