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OPINION: Arrogant shutdown of UK's Parliament

September 8th, 2019 11:35 PM

By Southern Star Team

OPINION: Arrogant shutdown of UK's Parliament Image

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It looks like he is cynically doing it for his own political ends to try to trigger a general election and consolidate his power.

BRITISH Prime Minister Boris Johnson has certainly set the cat among the pigeons with his prorogue of Parliament that has been widely slammed as anti-democratic, both across the United Kingdom and internationally, as closing it down for five weeks means there will be severely limited time to debate Brexit and makes a no-deal crash-out of the European Union more likely.

Something similar happened in Germany in Hitler’s time just before World War II when the voice of the people has suppressed, so it’s little wonder that the UK’s Parliament was in turmoil this week ahead of Johnson’s arrogant shutdown ploy. Several court actions to try to stop it were being taken also.

It looks like he is cynically doing it for his own political ends to try to trigger a general election and consolidate his power with an overall majority in the House of Commons. However, his predecessor as Prime Minister, Theresa May, failed to achieve this from a stronger starting position. 

Johnson’s prorogue is the most breath-taking of arrogance and selfishness, and certainly won’t serve the greater good of the people of the UK and its European neighbours, especially us Irish whom Brexit will hurt the most.




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