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Man remains detained in Foley murder investigation; woman released without charge

February 16th, 2024 9:31 AM

By Southern Star Team

Man remains detained in Foley murder investigation; woman released without charge Image
A man in his 30s remains detained as gardaí investigate the murder of Michael Foley. (Photo: Shutterstock)

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A MAN in his 30s remains detained as gardaí in Macroom continue to investigate the murder of Michael Foley (61 years) who was found deceased at his home in Macroom on February 16th.

The woman (aged in her 30s) who was arrested on Wednesday, February 14th has been released without charge. A file will be prepared for the director of public prosecutions.

The male  who was also arrested on Wednesday, February 14th, remains detained under section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984, at a garda station in county Cork.

Investigations are ongoing.

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