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LETTER: Free helpline to give heart health advice

June 12th, 2016 10:00 PM

By Southern Star Team

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SIR – I am writing to let readers of The Southern Star know of some important developments taking place at the Irish Heart Foundation’s National Heart & Stroke Helpline.

SIR – I am writing to let readers of The Southern Star know of some important developments taking place at the Irish Heart Foundation’s National Heart & Stroke Helpline.

Firstly, the number for the service is changing and the Helpline will also now be free of charge from landlines or mobiles, anywhere in the country. 

The new number is Freefone 1800 25 25 50.

Secondly, the service will have extended daily opening hours and evening opening, with the Helpline now open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, and on Thursday evenings until 7pm. We hope to extend evening opening even further later in the year.

Thirdly, we are providing additional avenues to communicate with the Helpline, with a new dedicated direct access email – [email protected]. We also intend to launch an online Nurse Live Chat service later in the year.

The helpline is staffed by specialist nurses and so readers can be assured of expert one-to-one advice and support, in full confidence. It is important to recognise that these developments would not be possible without the generous backing of Life Pharmacy, and this support is gratefully acknowledged.

Every day, approximately 300 new cases of heart disease and stroke are diagnosed in Ireland. Sadly, on average, 27 people lose their lives.

Almost two-thirds of middle aged and older adults have two of the big three risk factors for heart disease and stroke – high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity. Almost all have at least one.

The good news is that 80% of stroke and heart disease is preventable.

If you’re worried about your heart and stroke health, don’t delay. Call the Helpline today on Freefone 1800 25 25 50.

Yours sincerely,

Patricia Hall,

Helpline Nurse Manager,

Irish Heart Foundation,

50 Ringsend Road,

Dublin 4.

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