Why in a time of climate change is it even legal to sell off a carbon sink like this?
SIR – I am writing to you with great concern with regards to the sale of a very ecologically-important piece of forest, Kilbrittain Woods.
Why on earth do Coillte think this is an okay thing to do? Of course, no one would want to purchase this in order to leave it as it is.
This piece of land, as I hope you are aware, is mostly hardwood, and thus lends itself to very high levels of biodiversity, unlike most of your pine forests. Why in a time of climate change is it even legal to sell off a carbon sink like this?
I am absolutely appalled at the idea and object in the highest possible way. I am also concerned at the way in which the sale is being conducted and would question the legalities of such (the sale on request and the lack of opportunity for others to purchase).
I intend to contact my local TDs, email ministers and bring this to the attention of everyone who needs to know.
Darragh O'Neill,
11 Castlepark,