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Kinsale’s popular boules pitch is not being parked up

January 21st, 2022 5:50 PM

By Kieran O'Mahony

Kinsale’s popular boules pitch is not being parked up Image
Council officials removed the Boules Pitch in Kinsale just before Christmas

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A NEW location for the Kinsale Boules Pitch is actively being considered by Council officials, following the surprise removal of the pitch just before Christmas.

There was disquiet among users of the boules pitch located in the town park on Pier Road that they had not been consulted by Council officials about the demolition of the pitch.

As part of its twinning arrangements with the French town of Antibes, the pitch was established in the late 1980s and was a popular spot.

Cllr Alan Coleman said that the decision to remove the boules pitch was ‘taken on the hoof’ when Council officials were resurfacing the car park and they took the opportunity to tarmac the whole park.

‘I have a motion at this month’s Bandon Kinsale Municipal District meeting to relocate the Boules Pitch to the green area in the town park in front of Fishy Fishy,’ he said.

A Council spokesperson said that the relocation of the Boules Pitch was agreed as part of the surfacing and lining works in the area.

‘The surfacing and lining of the Pier Road car park will increase the spaces available in the town and as part of the works, it was agreed to move the Boules Pitch to a more appropriate area.’

The spokesperson said the new location has not yet been determined and ‘will be openly considered in advance of its planned reinstatement for summer 2022.’

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