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Jerry part of Macra’s charity cycle

May 28th, 2022 4:00 PM

By Emma Connolly

Jerry part of Macra’s charity cycle Image
Jerry and Jenny are cycling at least 130km a day.

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A BALLINADEE agri consultant is this week taking on the epic cycle from Mizen to Malin – and he doesn’t even own his own bike.

Jerry O’Neill is part of the group of around 15 that is travelling the distance of over 600km from one end of the country to the other to raise money for charity.

The fundraiser is organised by Munster Macra members and its vice-president Elaine Houlihan. They have chosen three charities to raise funds for: Embrace Farm, Make the Moove and the Irish Cancer Society.

Embrace Farm is a network for those affected by farm accidents, while Make the Moove (set up by national president of Macra John Keane) is a rural-centred mental health support service.

Jerry (26) is a qualified accountant who works for agricultural consultants the Brady Group, while also helping his parents on the home farm.

Milking 200 cows, it’s a busy operation, and the young man also does relief milking. Jerry admits that with a busy workload on the farm, his day job and playing hurling for Courcey Rovers, he’s had little time for cycling.

‘Sunday was really the only day I could get out on the bike. Before I signed up for this I’d say I cycled around three times in the past 10 years,’ he said adding that he’s even had to borrow a bike. His girlfriend and fellow Macra member Jenny Quinn from Clonakilty is taking on the challenge with him and the group will average 130km a day over the four-day cycle.

The group hopes to raise €15,000 from the cycle. See for more.

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