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Jeremy gives pupils a class tour of his castle

April 13th, 2022 5:45 PM

By Jackie Keogh

Jeremy gives pupils a class tour of his castle Image
Jacob Goggin with his classmates Hannah O’Driscoll and Anna Whooley at Jeremy Iron’s home, Kilcoe Castle.

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AN 11-year-old who created Kilcoe Castle in Roaring Water Bay out of cardboard was surprised when his project earned him and his classmates a tour of the famous landmark.

Kilcoe NS principal Michelle Griffin said Jacob Goggin did the project as part of the school’s efforts to secure its sixth green flag. 

‘Jacob used recyclable materials to make Kilcoe Castle for his project and we were surprised when Jeremy Irons sent a letter to the school inviting Jacob and two of his friends to visit,’ said Michelle.

As there are only three pupils in fifth, Jacob decided to bring his classmates Hannah O’Driscoll and Anna Whooley.

Jacob’s mother, Caroline, joined them when they recently visited the castle, which is located less than five minutes away from the school. 

‘It was enormous,’ Jacob told The Southern Star. ‘We were left to explore ourselves and were able to go to the very top.’

Jacob, who was already a fan of Jeremy Irons, described the actor as ‘very friendly’, nice and funny, too. ‘We even had blueberry cake in his kitchen,’ Jacob added. ‘The visit was a great surprise … he’s my hero.’

‘To tell you the truth,’ the principal admitted, ‘we don’t even know how Jeremy found out about Jacob’s project. But he’s a good neighbour and he was very kind to do that.’

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