Tim O'Donovan, Gortnamuckla, Dunmanway, is the second of three shortlisted for the Hall of Fame award, sponsored by Denis McSweeney & Son Ltd, Enniskeane, in the 2017 West Cork Farming Awards.
WELL-KNOWN at agricultural shows throughout the country, Tim O’Donovan of Gortnamuckla, Dunmanway, is one of the country’s top breeders of Belgian Blue cattle having first seen them at Bandon Mart 30 years ago and noted the premium prices they were commanding. Recognisable from their extremely muscled frame and huge size, over the years, he has won numerous prizes with his Belgian Blues at shows locally and nationally, including the All-Ireland Champion Bull title at Tullamore Show last month. Tim O’Donovan was presented with a National Hall of Fame award in Athlone recently for his work over many years in promoting the Belgian Blue breed. The presentation was made to him by special guest Aogán Ó Fearghaíl, uachtarán, Cumann Luthchleas Gael. A committee member of Dunmanway Show, it has a children’s under-16 beef handling class in memory of Tim’s late father, Denis O’Donovan. His mother, Hannah, his still hale and hearty at 84 and he describes her as the ‘real boss’ on the family’s 133-acre drystock farm, which he runs with his son, Daniel. They have a herd of 120 beef cattle and about 40% of them would be Belgian Blues with the rest comprising a mixture of other breeds.
• The winner of the Hall of Fame award, sponsored by Denis McSweeney & Son Ltd, Enniskeane, will be announced at The Southern Star and Celtic Ross Hotel West Cork Farming Awards presentation at 12pm on Sunday, September 24th, at the Celtic Ross Hotel in Rosscarbery.