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Free 'Space on the road' events in Schull, Sherkin and Cape Clear

July 26th, 2017 9:14 AM

By Southern Star Team

Free 'Space on the road' events in Schull, Sherkin and Cape Clear Image
Leo Enright, space expert

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Space expert Leo Enright has been startling visitors to West Cork with the biggest storm humans have ever witnessed. Jupiter's 'Great Red Spot' is as wide as three Earths, and the very latest pictures have been bringing home the a

Space expert Leo Enright has been startling visitors to West Cork with the biggest storm humans have ever witnessed. Jupiter's 'Great Red Spot' is as wide as three Earths, and the very latest pictures have been bringing home the awesome scale of this meteorological behemoth. 


Enright and a team from CIT's Blackrock Castle Observatory worked day-and-night to transform the latest images from Jupiter into an open-air display of humanity's closest views into the heart of this monster storm.


The pictures were taken two weeks ago by NASA's Juno mission;  Enright and his team then processed the raw images to create stunning vistas that can be enjoyed by anyone visiting Sherkin Island, Cape Clear and Schull West Cork on July 26 and 27.


Leo explained:  We wanted to mark an historic achievement in science - but it's the middle of summer,  so no-one wants to sit indoors!  Our solution was to print these beautiful images,  so people can enjoy them in the sunshine with Space on the Road


This Summer of Space initiative is sponsored by CIT's Blackrock Castle Observatory and Cork County Library in association with the Cork County Council Economic Development Fund.


The high-resolution printing was sponsored by Bloom's Hotel in Dublin's Temple Bar - which has supported other public science  events over the years.


The free Space on the Road events take place at Schull Library on July 26 at 15.00; at The Islanders Rest on Sherkin Island July 27 at 11.30 and finally at 15.00 on July 27 at Cape Clear's library. No booking required.

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