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Creative project for islands is launched on Whiddy

May 24th, 2022 1:30 PM

By Southern Star Team

Creative project for islands is launched on Whiddy Image
At the launch were Ian MacDonagh, Cork County Council; Macdara Ó Hici, Cork County Council; John Walsh, Bere Island Projects Group; Cllr Danny Collins; Josephine O’Driscoll, manager, Wild Atlantic Way; Máirtín Ó Méalóid, Comharchumann Chléire Teo; Maeve Mulrennan, Cork County Council and Ann Davoren, Uilninn West Cork Arts Centre. (Photo: Anna Groniecka)

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A PROJECT to promote the arts on West Cork’s islands has been launched.

‘Creative Places: West Cork Islands’ was launched by Cork county mauor Cllr. Gillian Coughlan at Whiddy Island Community Centre.

Forming part of the Arts Council’s Creative Places programme 2021-2024, the programme will see the local authority lead a consortium of local arts and development agencies that includes Bere Island Projects Group, Sherkin Island Development Society, Comharchumann Chléire and Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre.

The programme will strengthen existing local contemporary and  traditional arts practice,  create longterm community-led engagement in the arts that continues post-project, and make visible and strengthen the interconnectedness of the islands and the coastal communites on the mainland in West Cork.

The commitment by the Arts Council to sustain investment through the Creative Places Scheme over a three-year period allows the necessary time to develop and deliver a range of initiatives to support sustainable artistic and community engagement on each of the islands.

Cllr Gillian Coughlan praised the initiative: ‘Many individuals and groups have worked tirelessly to ensure that the rich, unique cultures on the West Cork Islands are sustained and continue to thrive.

‘Creativity and culture are at the heart of what makes us human, and how we can connect to others; whether they are our neighbours, visitors to our shores or connecting digitally. This programme is bringing us together – starting on Whiddy Island – to create something new and exciting.’ The project seeks to give expression to what it is to be an islander, foccussing on the lived experience of inhabitants, which is governed by nature: tides, weather, climate change.

Further details can be sought by emailing or by phoning 021 4285995.

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