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Clonakilty twins adore their bravery medals

March 16th, 2019 10:05 AM

By Kieran O'Mahony

Clonakilty twins adore their bravery medals Image
Seán and Emma O'Sullivan at Naíscoil Chloch na gCoillte in Clonakilty, with their granny Ruth Clarke and teacher Fidelma Ní hUallachaín. The twins were presented with special bravery medals.

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Since they received their bravery medals, Clonakilty twins Seán and Emma O'Sullivan (4) haven't taken them off, says proud mum May O'Sullivan.

SINCE they received their bravery medals, Clonakilty twins Seán and Emma O’Sullivan (4) haven’t taken them off, says proud mum May O’Sullivan.

The twins were honoured at their Naíonra last week and presented with bravery medals for managing to get help for their granny, Ruth Clarke, which saved her life almost two weeks ago.

Seán and Emma managed to ring the last two dialled numbers on their granny’s phone when they found her unconscious at their home. And when grandad Stephen Clarke arrived after being phoned, Séan managed to put his tricycle against the front door and climb up and open the latch. Emergency services were then alerted and brought Ruth to hospital.

Speaking to The Southern Star, May said both she and her husband Brian, who live in Ballymacowen, have been overwhelmed by the public reaction. ‘They are really confident and resilient children and took all the media attention in their stride. They got to see themselves on television too,’ said May.

The twins were presented with bravery medals by Dr Jason van der Velde of West Cork Rapid Response and Clonakilty Mayor Gretta O’Donovan at a special ceremony at their playschool.

‘The biggest thrill for them on the day was being able to sit in Dr Jason’s jeep and they got to wear his helmet. Afterwards he spoke to the children on how to identify a real emergency and how to use a phone to ring for help and the children loved this,’ added May.

Thankfully, their granny Ruth is making a full recovery, although she is a bit shook from the whole incident. As for the bravey medals, the twins are showing no sign of taking them off just yet. ‘They‘ve been wearing them all week to school and to bed and they’re not taking them off,’ said May.


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