The Bandon Branch of the Irish Red Cross officially launched its 4th annual Bandon Red Cross ‘Carer of the Year’ award at their last meeting.
The Bandon Branch of the Irish Red Cross officially launched its 4th annual Bandon Red Cross ‘Carer of the Year’ award at their last meeting.
This award is a very important to the Bandon Branch as it is in memory of Eileen Hayes who was member for many years and was a unit officer within the branch. Unfortunately, Eileen passed away suddenly in August 2012.
The Hayes family decided in 2013 that they would put up a plaque in memory of their mother for the Bandon Red Cross Carer of Year.
The branch is now seeking nominations from the public for members of the community who are caring voluntarily for neighbours, friends or family.
Nomination forms which are available from Brookes’ Pharmacy, O’Donovan’s Electrical and Paddy Murray Auctioneers, Caulfield’s SuperValu or by contacting the branch secretary on 087-7850794 or emailing [email protected].
Closing date for nominations is May 16th and the winner will be announced in late May. All persons nominated will receive a certificate of recognition.
Send your applications to [email protected] or by post to Eileen O’Donovan, Bandon Red Cross, Kilountain, Bandon, or place in the nominations box at the customer service desk in Caulfield’s SuperValu, Bandon.