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Appeal lodged against Skibbereen convent plan

December 1st, 2020 10:10 PM

By Jackie Keogh

Appeal lodged against Skibbereen convent plan Image
An image of the proposed redevelopment of the convent and chapel building, as well as the North Street site.

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CORK County Council’s decision to grant planning permission for a development at the former convent in Skibbereen has been appealed to An Bord Pleanála.

About two weeks after the local authority granted planning permission for the redevelopment of the former convent building and chapel, as well as the construction on site of a large apartment block, the interiors of both historic buildings were gutted by fire.

Gardaí identified those they believed were responsible for the fire on September 29th, and the matter is now with the DPP.

Meanwhile, the developer, Remcoll Capital Ltd, indicated that it would proceed with the deal it had with the owner, Bernard Hennessy, to buy the complex subject to planning.

However, on October 6th a third party lodged an objection to the Council’s grant of planning with An Bord Pleanala.

The person’s concerns were about road safety, between the junctions, particularly for pedestrians and cyclists.

Remcoll Capital Ltd also appealed the Council’s decision granting it permission for the multi-million-euro development.

The company indicated that it was pleased with the Council’s decision but it was not happy with condition, ‘number four’, to omit the top two floors of the most southern side of apartment block B.

An Bord Pleanala is not bound by any timeframe, but decisions are usually made within a 16-week period.

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